Green Remodel Forum
December, 2014

How To Choose LED Lights
New Eco-Friendly Products For Green Homes
Safer Sofa Foam Exchange Announced for Bay Area
Air sealing and Insulating Attics
Ridding of Mold in Homes

How To Choose LED Lights
If you are trying to get a replacement light bulb, you will now find a large variety of products available. Buying a light bulb used to be simple. You choose either a 25W, 40W, 60W, 100W or occasionally ... read more
New Eco-Friendly Products For Green Homes
I went to several conferences and seminars in the last couple of months. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are more and more eco-friendly, health and efficiency oriented products on ... read more
Safer Sofa Foam Exchange Announced for Bay Area
You may have heard about the problem with flame retardants in polyurethane furniture foams. If you haven’t, I highly recommend reading the Chicago Tribune’s exposé on the flame retardant ... read more
Air sealing and Insulating Attics
One of the greatest opportunities for energy saving in existing homes is air sealing and insulation of the attics. Warm air in the house rises and finds its way out of the house through all the small holes and cracks in the celing. ... read more
Ridding of Mold in Homes
Mold in the home has been linked to the worsening of asthma symptoms. It is also suspected to be linked to the development of asthma. Ridding of mold is a sure way to maintain healthy living space. ... read more

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