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Archive of entries posted by Sundong Kwong

The Green Countertop Dilemma – Resolved!

About a year ago, I finally did the deed: tackled the partial kitchen remodel that had been a twinkle in my eye for nigh-on 25 years. It was partial because of resource constraints – I didn’t want to spend a ton of money and I also didn’t want to waste a lot of basically sound []

Tips For Saving Water At Home

2013 was a record low year for rain fall in California. The Governor has just declared a drought emergency, and is asking for voluntary reduction in water use by 20%. Besides California, there are 11 states in the south and southwest that are also having drought spell. Water savings not only saves money, but also []

California 2013 Building Energy Code To Become Effective

The California Energy Commission started issuing building energy efficiency standards (codified in Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations) since 1978. Updates are made periodically as newer technologies and products become available, and new energy efficiency requirements change. The latest version, commonly known as the 2013 Title 24, was recently completed and []

Air Sealing For Better Health And Comfort

Air Sealing is often talked about in the energy circle. But for most people air sealing is still an unfamiliar term. I remember once at a community green event a gentleman was proudly said that he just had his attic insulated. I told him that was great and asked him if he also air sealed []

Incandescent Bulbs Going Away

The US Department of Energy’s energy efficiency regulation to phase out the incandescent light bulbs reached its last milestone with the turn of the new year. As of Jan 1, 2014, the 40W and 60W bulbs are no longer allowed to be produced in the US (the 100W bulb and the 75W bulb were discontinued []

On-going Saga of Air Sealing

This 100+ years old house in Bridgton, Maine was leaking like a lobster trap, so much so that we were unable to take blower door measurements. After doing much work in sealing the basement and attic we were finally ready to run a blower door test. We knew that the work is far from finished []

Entrepreneurs Competing For Greenest Solutions

Entrepreneurs from fifteen countries participated in the Cleantech Open Global Forum in November, an annual event since 2006, to compete who has the cleanest solution of all. The Cleantech Open is a non-profit organization whose mission is to find, fund and foster entrepreneurs with big ideas that address today’s most urgent energy, environmental and economic []

How To Clean Up Mold

Most of this blog is from the “Help Yourself to a Healthy Home” guide from HUD. We generally suggest hiring an established remediation company with professionals certified by the IICRC but many cannot afford to pay for that service or don’t feel it’s necessary. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Mold Protect yourself when cleaning up []