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Archive of posts tagged LED

LED Lights vs. CFL Lights: What Works for Your Home?

Choosing the right light bulb could drastically reduce your power bills and positively affect the environment, but with so many light bulb options on the market, knowing which one to choose can be difficult. Below is a simple comparison between incandescent, compact fluorescent (CFL) and light-emitting diode (LED) to help you decide which is right []

Fun with Holiday LED Lights

A few weeks ago I blogged about LED lights will be more generally accepted because the prices are coming down fast (Click here). In this holiday season, consider having some fun with LED lights. We know that LED lights are 5 times more efficient than incandescent lights and will last 25,000 to 50,000 hours. The []

Is LED Ready for Prime Time in the Home

Recently, I gave a presentation at Green Business Network about the benefits of green homes. The topic on energy efficient light bulbs came up. CFL’s have been in use for quite a few years and LED is the emerging product. CFL’s can save you 75% of energy compared to incandescent bulb and the bulbs are []