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Archive of posts tagged CFL


Incandescent light bulbs, which have been standard for over a century, will be phased out of manufacturing in a couple of years in the US to give way to more energy efficiency products. Compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs consume only about a quarter of the energy of incandescent bulbs producing comparable amounts of light. They also []

Don’t Throw CFL Bulbs in The Trash

As the low cost of CFL light bulbs saving 75% of energy compared to incandescent bulbs, many homes switched to CFL bulbs. CFLs are completely safe to use in homes, but they do contain a very small amount of mercury like fluorescent tubes. Never throw CFLs or fluoresecent tubes in the trash. Instead, dispose them []

LED Lights vs. CFL Lights: What Works for Your Home?

Choosing the right light bulb could drastically reduce your power bills and positively affect the environment, but with so many light bulb options on the market, knowing which one to choose can be difficult. Below is a simple comparison between incandescent, compact fluorescent (CFL) and light-emitting diode (LED) to help you decide which is right []