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Archive of entries posted by Sundong Kwong

More Water Conservation Products Making Their Way to Homes

Last week I attended the PCBC Exhibition in San Francisco. This year there are more exhibitors and attendees than last year, which is good. Many products have been shown before, but two caught my eyes as particularly useful to help conserve water. The first were faucets with sensors. These products have been used widely in []

Easy Steps to Reduce Energy Use before Renewables

Distributed renewable generation systems such as solar electric and solar hot water systems are great ways to get clean energy. The price of these systems, in particular solar electric systems, has come down in prices so much in recent years that homeowners may want to consider installing them. While the energy generated is clean, the []

Solar PV: Costs and Financing Options

The Solar Event, sponsored by the City of San Ramon and Sustainable San Ramon had a very good turnout at the San Ramon Community Center on June 5, 2012. The presentation of the event, targeted for the homeowner audience, focused on current information about costs of solar electric (also called solar photovoltaic or solar PV []

What to Look For When Greening Your Bathroom Remodel

For a green bathroom remodel, you may want to consider the following: Replace

4 Tips for a Low Budget Green Kitchen Remodel

Reuse is the gold standard in green remodeling. It saves you money while applying sustainable practices. Kitchen is the most used area in a home. They do get worn out after years of use. If your kitchen still functional, you may want to consider these 4 easy steps to give your kitchen a new look. []

Can You Afford Not To Have A Solar PV System?

Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology has gained worldwide popularity in recent years. Many products are available on the market. Prices have come down. There are still federal and state incentives for solar PV installations. Solar PV systems offer great money and energy savings opportunities. Nevertheless, solar PV systems are still big-ticket items. The good news is []

Don’t Throw CFL Bulbs in The Trash

As the low cost of CFL light bulbs saving 75% of energy compared to incandescent bulbs, many homes switched to CFL bulbs. CFLs are completely safe to use in homes, but they do contain a very small amount of mercury like fluorescent tubes. Never throw CFLs or fluoresecent tubes in the trash. Instead, dispose them []

The Terry Project: A Comfortable Home At Last

Cathy had a heat pump installed, with a separate gas furnace as backup or alternate heating source. She is now able to heat the entire house, including the kitchen addition and other areas that she did not bother to heat in the past. Even with more space to heat, her utility bill dropped from between []