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Archive of entries posted by Sundong Kwong

Why A Native Garden Is Good

When I first heard about drought tolerant plants and native gardens some years ago, like many people, I was immediately picturing cacti in desert found in Arizona. But I was curious and started to go on the annual Native Garden Tour (see related blog about the tour this year). To my pleasant surprise, native gardens []

Saving Water With Native Gardens

It was a beautiful Sunday on May 5th for the ninth annual Bringing Back the Native Garden Tour organized by Kathy Kramer, a recent Jefferson Award winner for outstanding public and community service. There were 43 native gardens on tour this year. Two key qualifications for the native garden tour are 1) the garden contains []

Tips To Green Your Kitchen Remodel

After using your kitchen for so many years, it is getting worn out and your needs may have changed. You may feel the kitchen is not functioning as well or the traffic flow is less ideal. You may be thinking of a major kitchen remodel. Especially with the trend of open floor plan with the []

Celebrating Earth Day

Green Remodel Forum joined many local business and organizations to celebrate Earth Day (April 22, 2013) in a Green Fair at the San Ramon Bishop Ranch Court Yard. The Green Fair was intended to let people learn about green products, services and sustainability ideas from local green business and non-profit organizations. Centrally positioned among the []

Additional Ways To Save Energy 50% or More

In a previous blog I talked about some easy ways to save energy that requires no money. Here are some other steps to help you reduce your energy bill and save the planet. I know people who have taken some of these and the no-money steps were able to save 50% to 75% on their []

How to Choose Healthy Interior Paint

Many state air quality boards have set the VOC (volatile organic compound) content of indoor house paint and stain to be 50 grams/liter or lower as a minimum requirement. VOCs are carcinogenic, can cause headaches, dizziness and respiratory problems, and are linked to pollution and smog. Even after the new paint smell goes away, it []

Saving Energy Without Spending A Penny

Want to reduce your energy use and save money? It is a lot easier than you think. Many people use a lot of energy because they are accustomed to leaving most of devices running 24/7 when energy was cheap. But times have changed. Energy is getting expensive. In addition, energy generation causes air pollution and []

Health Tips for Interior House Painting

Spring is just around the corner. If you are thinking to paint the interior of your house, spring and fall are the best time to do it. Everyone is aware of the new paint smell, which is caused by the vapor as the paints/stains dries. The vapor may contain gases, including VOCs (volatile organic compounds), []