Archive of posts filed under the Energy Efficiency category.
Partnering With Green Hearted Companies
Green Remodel Forum is excited to partner with GreenEarthEquities and Summit Energy Solutions in an energy efficiency remodel. As Green Remodel Forum is an informational website for up to date information on how to make your home green, healthier, more comfortable, durable and achieve energy efficient at the same time, we are always looking for […]
Windows: To Replace Or Not To Replace
It is difficult to decide whether to replace those old windows. Sometimes only few windows out of many in a house are beyond repair. New windows cost a lot of money – $6000 to $23000 for an average home to replace all windows. Here are some considerations: Energy Efficiency Today, most windows are made of […]
Tips To Green Your Kitchen Remodel
After using your kitchen for so many years, it is getting worn out and your needs may have changed. You may feel the kitchen is not functioning as well or the traffic flow is less ideal. You may be thinking of a major kitchen remodel. Especially with the trend of open floor plan with the […]
Celebrating Earth Day
Green Remodel Forum joined many local business and organizations to celebrate Earth Day (April 22, 2013) in a Green Fair at the San Ramon Bishop Ranch Court Yard. The Green Fair was intended to let people learn about green products, services and sustainability ideas from local green business and non-profit organizations. Centrally positioned among the […]
Additional Ways To Save Energy 50% or More
In a previous blog I talked about some easy ways to save energy that requires no money. Here are some other steps to help you reduce your energy bill and save the planet. I know people who have taken some of these and the no-money steps were able to save 50% to 75% on their […]
Saving Energy Without Spending A Penny
Want to reduce your energy use and save money? It is a lot easier than you think. Many people use a lot of energy because they are accustomed to leaving most of devices running 24/7 when energy was cheap. But times have changed. Energy is getting expensive. In addition, energy generation causes air pollution and […]
A Green Bathroom Remodel Brings Many Benefits
Bathrooms are the second most heavily used rooms in the house, with the first being the kitchen. The wear and tear in bathrooms necessitate repair or remodel. As the economy recovers, albeit slowly, bathrooms are the prime targets as more homeowners think about remodeling their homes. A green bathroom remodel is not necessarily more expensive. […]
Get Your Air Duct In Line
When I was learning about energy efficiency, I saw many photos, slides and videos of leaky and crushed ducts. Many home performance contractors also said that it is common that ducts in homes are leaky, crushed, broken apart or constricted. I’ve heard about them. I’ve seen many evidence of them. Now it hits close to […]