The countertop is likely the most talked about fixture in a home. Countertops, particularly the kitchen countertops, are very visible, get a lot of use and abuse, and may cost a big part of the remodeling budget. When selecting a countertop it is very important to consider the performance and cost of the countertop material, as well as whether the material suits the homeowners’ lifestyle.
Below is a list of different types of popular countertop materials. Click on the name to find out more details.
\n”; echo @grf_image_mosaic(‘grf-mods/grf-resources/images’, ‘countertop’), “
\n”; $this_dir = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] . _GRFMOD . “/grf-materials/”; $inputFileName = $this_dir . ‘Materials.xlsx’; $sheetName = “Countertop detail”; $range = “A1:M12″; $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($inputFileName); $sheetData = $objPHPExcel->getSheetByName($sheetName)->rangeToArray($range,null,true,true,true); $y = (isset($_GET[‘m’])) ? @urldecode($_GET[‘m’]) : ” “; echo grf_item_list($sheetData, $y); echo grf_item_detail($sheetData, $y); ?> \n”; $t .= “
\n”; } } return($t); } ### ———————— ### Convert a the header of a text array into the header of an html table function grf_item_list($array_data, $select) { array_shift($array_data); $t = “”; foreach ($array_data as $val) { $href_val = new_uri(“m={$val[‘A’]}”) . “#A”; $t .= ““; } return($t); } ?>