Energy Upgrade CA

Insulating existing homes to maximize comfort and energy efficiency.

Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby June » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:04 am

We added more insulation in the attic and replaced our heating and cooling system about six months ago. Can we qualify for the rebate?
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby smko » Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:03 pm

No. In order to be qualified, you had to hire a certified BPI contractor to do the joy. Your house needed to be test in before the retrofit and test out after the retrofit to see how much improvement has achieve. For $1000 the basic package you have to do air sealing, attic insulation, duct sealing, hot water pipe insulation, thermostatic shower control, combustion safety testing, and smoke detector/CO detector.
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby Pete » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:01 am

I'm planning to do the insulation and other work myself. How do I apply for the rebates for state and Contra Costa County? Do I send in one or two applications?
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby veum » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:00 am

You can't qualify for rebates if you do the work yourself. To be qualified for rebates you have to hire a BPI certified home performance contractor to do the work. He will summit all the forms for the rebates. You can find the certified contractors at
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby Pete » Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:27 am

Why it has to be a certified contractor? Insulation is not difficult to do. It just takes a lot of time and I have the time.
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby veum » Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:06 pm

You need a BPI certified contractor to do the work because they were trained to use the blower door depressurize the home and infrared camera to pinpoint where the air leaks are. They then give you options of different levels of improvement. They need to help you to reduce at least 20% of energy usage in order for you to get the rebate. They will do the paper work for you too.
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby Chriis » Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:58 pm

Is it true that Energy Upgrade California will expire at the end of March?
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby eins » Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:32 pm

The PG&E Energy Upgrade CA will expire the end of this year. However, some counties and cities in CA have different expiration dates for the extra rebates. You may want to check with them the exactly expiration dates to take advantage of the rebates.
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby dagrenda » Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:04 pm

I've been hearing Energy Upgrade CA can help save energy and reduce my utility bill. Why much energy will I be able to save by doing it?
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Re: Energy Upgrade CA

Postby JimK » Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:17 pm

It depends what type of work you put in your house. If you do air sealing and insulation in the attic , that can save you 15 - 30% of your utility bill. If you also retrofit your crawlspace by air sealing and line the ground with 6 mil plastic, you can save more. In general, if you retrofit your attic and crawlspace, an average home can save about 30-40% of energy to heat or cool your home.
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